Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bruno's Band-Aid and the Blue Monster

     The other night I came home and Bruno was being funny and standing directly behind me pressed up against my legs. I was petting him from behind when I looked down and saw a huge gash on one of his hind legs! Okay, it wasn't that big. He had been playing outside and in the garage earlier and we wondered if he had ran into something while being his fun loving rambunctious self. Brett tried putting neosporin on it and gauze around it to keep it clean; but the gauze didn't stay in place and he licked the neosporin off. So today I cleaned it out with rubbing alcohol, neosporined it, and put a band-aid.

Does he look pleased? he he

Last week we went to Wally World and picked him up this new efficient contraption:

He is scared of it!

     Bruno is thirsty, so very slowly and warily he approaches the blue monster. He starts slurping at the furthest possible edge of the bowl; he is ready to run at a moments notice. "Glug, glug, glug" goes the blue monster, RUN!!!
   But Bruno is still thirsty! So yet again, he very slowly and warily approaches...

    This happened this morning so I decided to tell him "good boy" and pretended to slurp some water myself. Then I stood by the bowl as he drank. He was slurping faster than I have ever seen him slurp before, and for quite a while too. He must have been pretty thirsty!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That's so cute! I think big dogs are more wimpy than little ones. I dog sat for two people, one with a little terrier and one with some other dog (big). When I vacuumed the little dog attacked the vacuum, while the big dog cowered in fear and when I came close to him he lept over the back of the couch. :)
