In the mean time, Brett started a salt water aquarium a while back so I thought I'd post a few pictures of the coral and other life in the tank. Here's your full shot view:
This is mainly a reef tank meaning lots of corals and very few fish. It's just getting started so many of the spaces are unfilled and many of the corals are small and growing.
We have 3 fish right now - 2 Clown fish and 1 fire fish. The species of Fire Fish has a nick name which is a Dart Fish because they tend to dart around the tank. This made it difficult to get a picture of him. The 2 clown fish, on the other hand, were following me around the tank and I ended up having to crop them out of a few pictures. Silly friendly things they are. I call the black one with the orange face "Lil' B" for Little Bruno. See the resemblance?
Another little friendly guy is this one:
He's a Conch (Pronounced "CONK")
See his funny little eyeballs and long snout? He uses his snout to eat but also to propel himself at amazing speeds around the tank.
Speaking of Conch's, we ate one in Roatan, Honduras where we went on vacation back in February. Roatan is a small Island in the Caribbean where Conch's are plentiful (and much larger than this one). Here are a few fun pictures of a conch shells and that trip:
Our friends Amy and Chad went with us.
We had lots of fun in the warm weather.
Out tanning
At Herbie's (our favorite restaurant there).
This is the house we rented for the week. See that awesome open area deck there at the top? We spent a lot of time up there.
In the hammocks especially.
We went to the Western part of the island a few days to enjoy the amazing snorkeling and beautiful beaches and cheap alcohol.
This wore me out...
And right after this sleeping picture was taken on the way home, we had to to stop because there was a cow in the middle of the road and the owner chasing after it on foot:
See the guy on the left in the blue shirt running?
Hehe, and the windshield is another story. Suffice it to say we got a discount on the rental.
And I was tired on the airplane ride home too.
But wide awake back in the states in Houston.
We had lots of fun.
Oh you wanted to see more pictures of the aquarium? No prob.
Here's a crab:
This is a new addition to the tank, pretty neat huh?
The next two pictures are of the Frog Spawn. (See the silly clown fish? He wanted to be in the picture too!)
Frog Spawn:
This little guy was difficult to get a picture of because he is so small and far away from the glass:
Really neat though:
Pretty yeah? Called an Acan.
Below is a plate coral that is growing nicely.
Oh there's the fire fish! See him in the back? That thing on the sand closest in the picture is a clam. Further back in the middle of the tank are two Welsos that puff up nicely each day.
There are lots of other little things in the tank but the moving water made it difficult to capture some of them. Maybe another time.
Hope you enjoyed the aquarium tour and a bit of Roatan.
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