Monday, November 29, 2010

Rhinopotamus Hippoceros

You ever get up in the middle of the night to pee and you can't seem to get your body to move right? I woke up from a strange dream early this morning. I whipped my legs off the bed and put my feet on the floor but my feet didn't want to pronate. I ended up toe-hop running with my arms flailing randomly around my body and my torso ahead of my slow moving legs like so I felt like a chicken running for feed. This chicken allusion may have something to do the strange aforementioned dream I had just before waking.
     I was with a group of people who were making Apple Betty's for some kind of food competition. Suddenly we were outside and I was holding someone else's Betty waiting for it to be judged. Here's the weird part, I was sitting on a wooden plank suspended 2 feet over a 10 foot oval muddy water pit and each competitor first had to lead a Rhinopotamus (rhino body with hippo head) on a length of rope into the water before having their Betty judged (yeah, I have no idea).
     Right before I woke up, my brother-in-law, Steve, was leading the Hippoceros (is that better?) into the dirty water but the water level must have risen some because the animal was having a difficult time keeping its head above the water. It started getting frantic, jumping around trying to keep its head up. It was getting too close to me, so I grabbed the cardboard lid of the pastry box and held it up like a shield. All the sudden the hippo head was in the pastry box but deflated, like an oblong gray dodge ball with flat eyes. I was worried about the Betty so I grabbed the flat head, the layer of lettuce, and another layer of cardboard out and discovered the Betty was unharmed. Phew...then I woke up.
What does it mean??!!

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