Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nature Walk

Bored? Come on a nature walk with Bruno and me! I found a new trail/park complete with a paved trail, animal fact plaques, mile markers, and even doggy poop bags!

Come along!

Bruno loves a walk

Well let's get going, there's lots of trail yet to see.

The fall colors are starting to come through.

Fork in the road, which way should we go?

Let's take a closer look shall we?

Enter at own risk? That sounds enticing. Hmm, no fires- no prob, no smoking -no worries, no fireworks-bummer. Oh right, which direction to take? Canyon View or Oak Forest. With a camera -definitely Canyon View.
I think I've seen the craft store remake of these.

While I was getting pretty shots of the stream; Bruno decided to wash his feet and pee on things.

Good Potty Brun.

                              Ooh, aah, pretty.

  So all this time I thought we were on a nice loop. Nope, an abrupt halt and we had to turn around.

To the right of the above picture, Bruno and I turn and see this:
Nice backyard. Goodness, so was the house too big or the yard too small and awkward? Probably a little bit of both. Is this my promised Canyon View?? What a rip off.

Ok, does this scare anyone else? What's in there?
Moving on...walking  faster.

 Pretty right?'s all behind a chain link fence.

Thanks for joining us. Now go outside and enjoy your own fall colors!

P.S. Sign me up to live here please:

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