Tuesday, August 17, 2010

That Silly Dog

Lately Bruno and I have a routine in the mornings that includes me getting a cup of coffee, him getting his chew toy, and us going outside to enjoy the sun with our accouterments. Some mornings I initiate the custom and other mornings he grabs his chew toy in his mouth and appears in front of me to beg to go outside.This morning I initiated and, after getting my cup percolated (he he), told him to get his chew toy. Bruno ran down the hall once and then back to his original position near the sliding glass door to stare at me.

"What?" I said.

"Woof" Bruno barked loudly.

"What??" I said.

"Woof" he barked forcefully like, "I need help".

"What Brun?"

Bruno looked down at the floor and then barked, "Woof" slightly desperately.

"Oh," realization dawning, "Did you drop it down the vent again?"

"Woof" he barked more desperately.

"That's your fault bud, I'm not going to go unscrew the vent in the family room to get it out."

Again, he looks down at the floor vent and then back at me with a loud please?? "WOOF, WOOF!!??"

"Fine, I'll check," and walked over to the vent and stuck my hand in. Voila, it was sitting inside close to the entrance. "You're lucky, you and your chew toy..." shaking my head and brushing the dust off the toy. I opened the door and Bruno sat and barked as he is required to do to go outside. I threw the toy down into the yard and he energetically ran down the stairs to retrieve it. That silly dog.

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