Bruno and I went outside this morning to enjoy the warm sun and some kona coffee (just me coffee-wise, Bruno hates coffee). He sniffed around in the grass for a minute and then went and laid down on the hot concrete. I sat on the front stoop enjoying the day and took a sip of my hot delicious coffee, when I looked over at Bruno and immediately started laughing. He cracks me up.
I told him to "blibe," which means to stay, and ran inside to grab the camera.
This is what made me crack up every time I called his name and he looked at me:
This is what made me crack up every time I called his name and he looked at me:
(Can't ruin the surprise- keep scrolling)
Right in the middle of his two nostrils, just stuck!
Now that does that look like a mean scary Dobermann??
Ha see the little strand of grass sticking up in the picture below?
Heehee, dogs are so much like kids... their owners think everything they do is so cute and people who don't have them just don't understand what's so cute. :) He's a really good dog, one of the few I like because he's so well trained, :) Kids are that way too (i.e. the ones you like are usually the well behaved ones.).